Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23


Mobile Device Management (MDM) Services

In an era where mobility is a business imperative, Cogent Networks introduces comprehensive Mobile Device Management (MDM) services to empower your organization. Our MDM solutions are designed to enhance security, streamline operations, and ensure the seamless integration of mobile devices into your IT ecosystem.
Strategic Mobility Solutions

Our MDM services go beyond basic device management. We offer strategic mobility solutions that align with your business objectives.

Enhanced Security Protocols

Security is at the forefront of our MDM services. We implement robust security protocols to safeguard your corporate data and sensitive information.

Efficient Device Provisioning

Streamline the onboarding process with our efficient device provisioning services. We ensure that your employees have the right devices with the necessary configurations

Application Management and Distribution

Take control of your mobile app ecosystem. Our MDM services include comprehensive application management and distribution

Remote Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Stay ahead of potential issues with our remote monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities. Our MDM services enable real-time monitoring of device performance

Policy Enforcement and Compliance

Customize and enforce policies across your mobile device fleet. Whether it's compliance requirements or internal usage policies

User Training and Support

Empower your workforce with the knowledge to leverage mobile devices effectively. Our MDM services include user training and ongoing support

Cost Optimization

We understand the importance of cost efficiency. Our MDM services are designed not only to enhance productivity but also to optimize costs associated with mobile device management

Why From Cogent Networks

Mobile Empowerment: Tailored Solutions for Seamless Mobility

Comprehensive Lifecycle Management

From device procurement to retirement, we provide end-to-end lifecycle management for your mobile devices. Our services cover everything from initial setup and configuration to ongoing maintenance and eventual decommissioning, ensuring a seamless and efficient device lifecycle.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Solutions

In a world where flexibility is key, our Mobile Device Management services extend to support Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies. We implement robust security measures to protect corporate data on employee-owned devices while respecting individual privacy.

Integration with Existing Systems

Our MDM solutions seamlessly integrate with your existing IT infrastructure. Whether you use cloud-based services, on-premises servers, or a hybrid approach, our MDM services are adaptable to ensure a smooth integration with minimal disruption to your operations.

Real-Time Monitoring and Analytics

Gain insights into your mobile device fleet with real-time monitoring and analytics. Track usage patterns, identify potential issues, and make informed decisions to optimize the performance and efficiency of your mobile devices.

Customization for Industry-Specific Needs

We recognize that different industries have unique requirements. Our MDM services are customizable to address industry-specific needs, ensuring that your mobile device strategy aligns with the specific demands and compliance standards of your sector.

Continuous Innovation and Updates

The mobile landscape is ever-evolving, and so are our MDM services. We stay abreast of the latest technological advancements and industry trends, ensuring that your mobile device management strategy remains at the cutting edge of innovation.

Industry Expertise

Industry ExpertiseWe’ve excelled our experience in a wide range of industries

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Information Technologies

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Oil and Gas

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Logistics and Transportation

Business Stats Overview

Our Global Stats

Countries Supported
Global Metro Cities Supported
Global Warehouse Facility
Registered Global Vendors
Registered Field Dispatch Engineers
Our Certifications

Certified By Top Brand Companies

// Drop us a line! We are here to answer your questions 24/7